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AuliaImran, Rani and Z, Iftikar and Sutalaksana, Sutalaksana (2015) MACROERGONOMICS FOR INTEGRATED PUBLIC HEALTH AND SAFETY. PROCEEDINGS International Seminar and Workshop on Public Health Action "Building Healthy Community".

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    Companies need manpower that has a certain ability to support their business processes. On the other hand, the manpower has needs that must be met to establish their economic life. The relationship between a company and the manpower is a mutually beneficial, if the ability of workers that supplied by the community in accordance as the company expected. But sometimes there are communities that have varying capabilities, those in terms of skill, knowledge, or attitude (SKA). Lack of adequate manpower will have impacts on the company; one of them is safety and health issue. More than 50% citizens of Indonesia as workers, with the number of work accidents nationwide are high at 103,000 each year; which resulted death, disability or occupational diseases. Increases number of accidents, the greater the losses materially, time-loss, and declining productivity of a company. Accidents from 2011-2014 was recorded;only 51.14% of cases workers can recover after workplace accidents. Unrecovered workers became dependents, unproductive and require social support because they can no longer work due to disability or illness caused by work. For the community, these facts imply that the company does not bring benefits to the fullest. In macroergonomics, the interaction between manpower, technology, working environment and its interaction with the community will be assessed.This paper uses this approach to designs an entire system to accommodate human performance capability in all its aspects, and to provide solutions to solve the problems mentioned above by conducting a literature review and create a conceptual framework. Keywords: macroergonomics, public health, safety, human well-being.

    Item Type: Article
    Subjects: Universitas Dian Nuswantoro > Fakultas Kesehatan > Kesehatan Masyarakat
    Kesehatan > Kesehatan Masyarakat
    Divisions: Fakultas Kesehatan > Kesehatan Masyarakat
    Library of Congress Subject Areas > Kesehatan > Kesehatan Masyarakat
    Depositing User: Psi Udinus
    Date Deposited: 22 Dec 2015 11:50
    Last Modified: 22 Dec 2015 11:50
    URI: http://eprints.dinus.ac.id/id/eprint/17823

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