HANAFI, AKHMAD ROIS (2014) Sistem Informasi Penjualan Alat Berat Berbasis Website Pada CV. Asa Noor Arofah. Skripsi, Fakultas Ilmu Komputer.
The development of information technologies require the company to develop themselves in their business to moving forward. The company�s development of information technology is not only develop the company itself but also will have an impact on survival reciprocation of the company, if the company not following the development era of information technology, the company will be fall behind in every way, so the company will absolutely fall. In this study the methods that used in this methods is : Interview and Library Studies, namely the data collection is through face to face interviews between data collection (recorder) with the respondent and search for reference materials and the reference materials is learned from books related to the topic of the research. The purpose of this research is to make information systems web-based industry appliances for CV. Asa Noor Arofah so it can be petrified to solve the sales problems that exist in the company.
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