PRAMITA, INDAH (2014) sistem informasi penjualan bahan bangunan pada toko luwes semarang. Proyek Akhir, Fakultas Ilmu Komputer.
Shop luwes Building is a business engaged in the sale of goods of the building, in the transaction is recorded manually in the form of a memorandum, in processing the data and making frequent reports of data inaccuracies and delays in submission of data information, the results of research conducted, researchers intends to solve the problems encountered in the shop because it needed ini.Oleh Flexible design of information systems. In the development of systems that are used in the manufacture of these goods sales application structured approach is prototype method in which the data collection techniques used include interviews, surveys and documentation. For method development using a structured method with several tools and construction techniques such as context diagrams, and data flow diagrams. The programming language used in designing and implementing the sales information system is visual studio 2005 and the database used is SQL Server 2000 Results of research in Store Flexible, can be made the conclusion that the construction of information systems sales are expected to assist employees in managing customer data, the data goods and sales transactions more quickly and can reduce the errors in the data pencataan process and reduce errors in the submission of reports
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