HIDAYANTO, NOOR (2014) Media Pembelajaran Interaktif berbasis android mata pelajaran Matematika dengan sub materi Geometri dan Pengukuran Lingkaran Untuk Kelas VIII SMP pada Balai Pengembangan Teknologi Informasi Komunikasi Pendidikan provinsi jaw. Proyek Akhir, Fakultas Ilmu Komputer.
Mathematics is often referred to as the `fundamental science`, the science by learning the basic calculation. In mathematics, geometry and measurement are considered the most difficult circle visualized by 80% of students in the class because there are some complicated formulas contained therein. An interactive learning media is a new technology to change the way teaching and learning activities more effectively with very pleasant. In this study the authors create and design an interactive learning media for eighth grade students of SMP to facilitate the understanding of math, especially geometry and measurement loop material. In the final project entitled `Media android-based Interactive Learning Mathematics with Geometry and Measurement material sub Circles in Information Communication Technology Development Center Education Central Java province`, the author of the innovation concept and delivery of learning by using the MPI-based application that combines CS6 Adobe Flasch images, audio and animation for more interesting content.
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