RAMADHONNY, DWI (2014) Luka "Triple Threat". Proyek Akhir, Fakultas Ilmu Komputer.
"Anthology / omnibus film is a feature films that consist of several short films, and tied in a single theme, and I apply to the wound on the theme of mental illness, with three stories and three directors. To further discuss the Anthology films about mental illness titled Luka ""Triple Threat"", which discusses the kinds of mental health problems are rarely known to many people. Therefore, the film can be a lesson learned for someone to respond to people with mental disorder (mental illness) In this film the authors act as producer. As a producer in charge of production should be able to carry out tasks ranging from start pre-production to post-production. Since the producer is a top leader in the production. Luka ""triple threat"" has a lot of great potential to be accepted by the audience as the entertaining film and provide information to the public, particularly to social and moral message to the public, it is expected that people see this film can realize that their presence is very real and we can provide proper treatment."
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