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Sherlock Holmes` Prosocial Behavior to Help The Society in Sir Arthur Conan Doyle A Study in Scarlet

JENE, WISANGGENI PRADANA (2015) Sherlock Holmes` Prosocial Behavior to Help The Society in Sir Arthur Conan Doyle A Study in Scarlet. Skripsi,Fakultas Ilmu Budaya.

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      This study is aimed to analyze prosocial behavior of Sherlock Holmes to help his society against criminal and murder case. The researcher used descriptive qualitative method to find out development of the prosocial behavior in Sherlock Holmeswhen he starts his case, after meeting with Dr. John Watson. The data collected were analyzed by reading the novel. In qualitative research the data are not number or chart but in the form of word. So, the researcher presents all the data by the quotation through general description of the character, setting and conflict. The result of this research shows that prosocial behavior of Sherlock Holmes triggers him to save his society and solve a complicated criminal case. The Analysis is based on how Sherlock Holmes work as consulting detective whom people consult him about the problem they have. Sherlock Holmes does not take too much to his payment instead he receive anything that given by his client. Prosocial behavior is divided by two parts, being Benefit to Society and Helpful. Benefit to society means that he gave the best in his effort and society gain its benefit from him. In this case, Sherlock Holmes solves a murder case and helps the Scotland Yard Police Department. Helpful means that his habit is helpful to other, for example he always willing to help even before being asked. Sherlock Holmes always explains the way he is solving a murder case to Dr. John Watson. All this habit and doings done by Sherlock Holmes will be analyzed in this thesis. It concludes that Sherlock Holmes and his prosocial behavior helps the society to reduce crime case.

      Item Type: Article
      Subjects: Universitas Dian Nuswantoro > Fakultas Ilmu Budaya > Bahasa Inggris
      Z Literatur, Sastra > Bahasa Inggris
      Divisions: Fakultas Ilmu Budaya
      Depositing User: Psi Udinus
      Date Deposited: 27 Nov 2015 11:51
      Last Modified: 27 Nov 2015 11:51
      URI: http://eprints.dinus.ac.id/id/eprint/17737

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