SATRIA, DIMAS (2014) Perancangan Media Promosi Produk Kecap Cap Udang Purwodadi sebagai oleh-oleh unggulan kabupaten Grobogan. Skripsi, Fakultas Ilmu Komputer.
Designing a media campaign Cap Udang Soy Sauce products as souvenirs superior Purwodadi district Grobogan aims to promote a local business products located in Siswa no. 12 Purwodadi Streets. So expect with this design can be as effective as possible in promoting and achieving the expected target destination marketing. Selection of appropriate media accompanied by interesting visualization expected message conveyed is able to attract the audience and the realization of the objectives to be achieved. In the promotion, Kecap Cap Udang factory using the media word of mouth, this method is not effective for achieving the desired objectives due to the limited range of information. With the design of this effective product purchases Cap Udang Soy Sauce can be increased and more income value in the economy Cap shrimp sauce factory. The most important thing is the main goal to make local products to be superior in Grobogan, so it will attract customers from outside the area to buy as souvenirs from city of Purwodadi can be realized. The process of making media is campaign using softwares that is commonly used for graphic design so that produces quality visuals and exciting to help in the campaign to promote products Cap Udang Soy Sauce.
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