WICAKSONO, WAHYU (2014) Sistem Informasi Penggajian Karyawan pada PT Ferron Pharmasi. Skripsi, Fakultas Ilmu Komputer.
A good system should be able to provide information in time, the data are accurate and precise in the treatment process. One factor that occurs in the PT Ferron Pharmasi is often a payroll files are tucked away or lost and require a long time in the making salary slip, because the data must include absenteeism, employee leave the data, the data counting incentives, the data allowance and others. Required an information system that is able to provide assistance in overcoming problems and speed up the process of counting the salaries of employees and generate standard reports. System design and manufacture of Payroll application development using the System Development Life Cycle (SDLC), Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 as a program, MySQL as a database server, and Crystal Report to print the report. From the analysis and research system, it can be concluded that the PT Ferron Pharmasi Semarang Payroll Information System require to perform the counting process payroll quickly and accurately, so as to reduce the errors that exist and generate reports according to standard umumnya.sistem information on the company payroll PT pharmacy on Ferron employees
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