NOVITASARI, PETRA ANI (2014) Sistem Informasi Persediaan Barang Berbasis Web pada Raja Bares Semarang. Skripsi, Fakultas Ilmu Komputer.
Raja Bares Suyodono located at No. 1 Jalan Semarang, is engaged in the sale of convection that school uniforms, office uniforms and other uniforms. King Bares inventory system using manual data collection that uses diary diary entry and exit of goods. The flow of goods in and out very influential in the smooth running of the business. To overcome this problem researchers want to create a web-based Inventory system with this system can directly determine the amount Leaders of stock, the amount of revenue, the amount of expenditure only through the web. In the development phase of the system using the waterfall where the stages include analysis, design, implementation, testing and maintenance. With the presence of inventory information system in the Web-Based Bares King will produce information more quickly, effectively and accurately ..
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