Dani store is a store that provides a variety of daily necessities, groceries stores are cheap recognized by the community and is conveniently located. Its presence takes a lot of people, in order to serve and provide all the daily needs of the household affairs. In this case Store Dani Semarang certainly requires the existence of an information system that can help any problems that occur in Stores Dani. The problem that occurs is the data processing system of buying and selling are still using the written media as media recording each transaction so may result in errors in recording or loss of important files. Data storage of incoming and outgoing goods and stocks are still in the form of archives, resulting in the accumulation of data and the security of the data is less assured. Besides making the reports just made ??how much money obtained each day that takes a long time and of occurrence of errors in the writing and calculation. The benefits of this research is to help the process of buying and selling, thus providing data processing and input the data items with better and more efficiently, as well as keeping a record of purchase and sale of the company in the form of a memorandum, report data items and other important files. By looking at the issues raised in Semarang Dani Stores, the research methods used in the design of the information system inventory is Waterfall Method. The design method will be described in the form of a document flow chart (flow of document), context diagrams, data flow diagrams and data dictionary. And for the depiction of the database design will be described in terms of Normalization, Relation Table, Entity-Relationship Diagram (ERD). In making the inventory information system using Visual Basic 6.0 program and to its database using SQLyog Enterprise.
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